and i also ate a fairly low carb diet back then as well so the beginning of this year i was like right i'm gonna try and start keto and i did it for probably about two maybe two and a half months or so and i think initially i lost a little bit of weight maybe like a few kilos or so and i liked it but i just found it a little bit too restricting for me personally like i love being able to eat fruit and just it just didn't vibe with me the best i decided to stop doing keto and it was around like maybe a month before corona kind of hit that i joined f45 the gym and initially i kind of like eased myself into it i was going very slowly because if you don't know where f45 is it's basically like a fitness class so we've got instructors telling you what to do and i really liked it and then corona kind of happened and i had my 21st birthday and then all the gyms shut and i kind of stopped doing that and then i'm not the type of person who can really work out at home i don't like running i like walking but obviously that only gets you so far i just can't work out at home i need someone telling me what to do and i kind of had figured out at that point that the type of exercise that i like doing and that i will stick to are classes i highly recommend classes they have them at pretty much every single gym unless it's like super small i love classes because you don't have to think about it you just walk in they tell you what to do you do your thing and then you leave i love it and they're usually quite high intensity so hit workouts which are the best for weight loss in my opinion before the gyms properly opened again i basically kind of woke up to the fact that i was eating too much now i'm not telling you to count your calories because it can get a bit toxic and it can mess with your head you can become obsessed with numbers i'm a very all or nothing person so i decided yep i'm gonna start tracking what i eat because it actually can be a good way to kind of wake up to how much you're eating because sometimes you don't realize that you might think oh i'm only having this much of one thing and you don't realize how many calories are in there i think originally i decided to start eating about 1600 calories which once again everyone's calorie intake will be different depending on your height your weight your age your activity level everything i don't want you guys to be focused on the amount that i'm eating because